Malayan Porcupine (Hystrix brachyura) is one type of porcupine that other than in Indonesia (Sumatra and Kalimantan), can be found also in Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, China, Nepal, India, and Bangladesh. While the three other types are endemic. Sunda Porcupine (Hystrix javanica) endemic Javanese, Sumatran Porcupine (Hystrix sumatrae) endemic Sumatran and Bornean Porcupine (Thecurus crassispinis) endemic to Borneo.In general, a hedgehog fast berlalri able to avoid predators. But if pressed, would stop and set up a porcupine feathers that resemble spines located on the upper klit.
Hedgehogs make a nest by making a hole in the ground with a depth of about 5 meters. This hole comprises several branches in the ground which has several exits. One hole (larger size) into the main entrance and several holes (smaller size) as the exit.The four species of this Hedgehog, by the IUCN Redlist included in the category LC (Least Concent or Low Risk), which means the species is not threatened with extinction hedgehog. But the status of Least Concent can also be given to species that have not been reevaluated since 2001.Java porcupine Hystrix javanicaYang makes me confused, Indonesian language only know one name that is "Porcupines" to mention these four species of porcupine (or maybe my lack of control Indonesian?). Just call Hystrix brachyura Malaysia as the "Hedgehog Kingdom" to distinguish the two other species of hedgehog that they have the "Hedgehogs Rice" to refer to Trichys fasciculata and "Hedgehogs Nibung" (Atherurus macrourus).

Add confused again when I saw PP. 7 of 1999 which included only the species Hystrix brachyura as protected animals. While the three other types of Sunda Porcupine (Hystrix javanica), Sumatran Porcupine (Hystrix sumatrae), and Bornean Porcupine (Thecurus crassispinis) not included as a protected species. Though all three are endemic wildlife that have a higher risk of extinction.My logic, hopefully wrong, give the name alone can not provide protection how?. Even the one name that I know memiriskan; Sate Hedgehog, one of the culinary in Tawangwangu!Scientific Classification: Kingdom: Animalia. Phylum: Chordata. Class: mammals. Order: Rodentia. Family: Hystricidae. Genus: Hystrix (for Bornean Porcupine; Thecurus). Species: Hystrix brachyura, Hystrix javanica, Hystrix sumatrae, Thecurus crassispinis.Reference:;; image:
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